EX series portables were released in October 1985. Models include but may not be limited to the EX 30, 30E, 32, 34, 34N (in the USA, the EX 32 and 34 were sold as the 85EP and 87EP).

This series saw the introduction of a proprietary cassette printwheel that was to be used in future EZ series portables.

The EX-32 has a Centronics-compatible parallel port which supports “Interface Mode”. Code Tables are included in a separate PDF.

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7 responses to “Silver Reed EX-32 Instruction Guide”

  1. oh, but you can try the USB->Centronics cable with Windows, try using the old driver for generic line printer (or maybe even Diablo Daisywheel driver, the typewriter might emulate that.)

  2. honestly, for ease of not having to deal with dying power supplies and CRTs, I’d recommend a circa 1983-86 TRS-80 Model 100, 102 or 200 – the original laptop. Has all the easiest I/O, built in LCD and runs on 4 AA batteries or a common 6v wall wart. Excellent for playing around and testing stuff needing period hardware to hook up to.

  3. Your observations are spot on. The EX-32 fits right into that 1983-86 time-frame (1985 as added on the TWDB) although I reckon we could be generous and extend the timespan a year either side.
    As you know, you can come across references to various conversion kits in the old computer mags, for example the “Supercord” (IEEE 4888, or Centronics Parallel, or RS 232 C Serial) interfaces sold and installed by Cord Ltd of Santa Ana, CA.. which “links nine different brands of electronic typewriters with 20 different personal computers” (Infoworld 14 Nov 1983)
    Approximately $395, which would have been much cheaper than a Letter Quality Printer 😉

  4. Hi Ted,
    Yes, I’m hoping to hook it up as a LQP, however work and other commitments keeps getting in the way. You know how it is 😉
    I don’t have an old retro computer, so that might be a problem. However I do have a Silver Reed I/F44 external interface box which I picked up in England. I also have a bi-directional Parallel-USB cable.
    So the intent is there, even if the necessary technical aptitude isn’t.
    Which retro PC and operating system combination do you think is best?

  5. Also, from my observations, it seems the whole “Put a computer interface on the typewriter” thing really only lasted between 1983-1986. I’m curious to see if this machine fits in that timeframe..

  6. have you got an old 80’s retrocomputer to hook up to that thing and make it print? 😀

  7. […] EX-mas! You can find the Operating Manual here. This is a free resource and should not be offered for […]


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